Laverna barbie fairytopia
Laverna barbie fairytopia

laverna barbie fairytopia

Elina looks outside when she wakes up and sees that the guards have been tied up. After that, Azura is about to leave, but is kidnapped by Fungus. In the morning, Azura wakes up Bibble and asks him to find Hue, who lives in the south he needs to be given an important scroll.

laverna barbie fairytopia

Azura asks Elina to take care of her necklace. In the morning she will leave to speak to a dryad named Dahlia, who lives in the Wildering Wood. When Elina goes to bed, Azura tells her that all of Fairytopia is in trouble and it is down to Laverna. Azura tells Elina that the rainbow in her eyes means she is destined for great things. She invites Elina into her house, and gives her food and shelter. She sees a rainbow in Elina's eye for a second, and is shocked. Elina tells Azura that they came all the way from Fairytopia, so Azura tells Elina to come closer. Elina and Bibble hide in a flower, but Azura spots them and tells them to leave. They see Azura's house, but it is surrounded by guards. He has to find Azura immediately, so Elina and Bibble take advantage of this and follow him.Įlina and Bibble grab onto a flower and it floats after Larkspur, but they crash. A guardian named Larkspur comes and the man working in the city hall tells him that Ruby, and another guardian named Amethyst, have been kidnapped. They tells the man there that they need to see Azura but she is not there. At the end of the tunnel is the City Hall of Fairytown, but it is closed. Bibble flies in front of a flower that is like a tunnel, so they go inside it. Elina jumps up to one of the highest flowers to get a view of the horizon. Laverna shows Topaz and Ruby the state the Enchantress is in, and it turns out she is very weak because of the formula.Įlina and Bibble get out of the forest and encounter a new place where all of the flowers are wilting. He remains loyal to the Enchantress, Laverna's sister, and the ruler of Fairytopia. Meanwhile, Laverna has kidnapped another guardian: Ruby. She urges Dandelion to go home before dark to avoid panicking her mother, so Dandelion leaves Elina and Bibble. Elina realizes that Dandelion is getting sick, and it would be too hard for Dandelion to walk like Elina, as Elina was used to walking. When she is higher up, she breathes in some of Laverna's formula and can't fly. The trio enter a spooky forest and Dandelion flies up high to see if she can see a way out. Elina really thinks she can't actually get there, but Bibble and Dandelion volunteer to join her, and they leave the Magic Meadow. Elina thinks that she has to go to Fairytown to see Azura, but Dandelion doesn't think it is a good idea Elina has never left the meadow before, and it takes hours to get to Fairytown, even if you have wings. Dandelion comes to see Elina and tells her that some of the fairies are having trouble flying, and Topaz is gone the closest guardian is Azura, and she is far away, in Fairytown. Elina goes outside and sees that Peony, as well as all the other fairy homes, are sick. In the morning, Bibble has to wake up Elina because Peony didn't sing to wake them up. Her main plan is to give everyone the antidote, and then everyone will love her for it and let her be their queen. She thinks no one can stop her, as she is the only one with an antidote. As she speaks, Laverna's minions are in all seven regions of Fairytopia and unleashing the formula. It had the power to weaken every flying creature in Fairytopia if they breathed it in they would become so weak they would lose the power to fly. Laverna calls her minions, Fungus, who reveal Laverna's formula. Laverna plans to kidnap all of the guardians, and then take over Fairytopia. However, Topaz really has been kidnapped by Laverna. Bibble is asleep, and Elina is still feeling uneasy, but Peony plays a lullaby for her, and she falls asleep. Elina and Bibble go back to Peony, her flower home.Įlina talks to Bibble about what the pixies said, but she thinks Topaz is too powerful to get kidnapped, as she is a guardian. Elina thinks that Laverna is a myth, but Dandelion is unsure so she goes home to ask her mother. This is so they don't get kidnapped by someone named Laverna (who is already rumored to have kidnapped a fairy named Topaz). They later come back to warn Dandelion and Elina to go home "where it's safe". Dandelion, however, defends Elina by fluttering her wings so hard that the small pixies are blown away. The pixies make fun of Elina for having no wings, but Elina ignores their teasing. Elina, a wingless flower fairy, and her puffball friend Bibble watch their fairy friend Dandelion fly with three pixies.

Laverna barbie fairytopia